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List Segmentation for Outbound Marketing

outbound marketing

Here’s a fact: Just as people have a unique set of strengths and weaknesses, outbound marketing call center operations also have distinct strengths and weaknesses.

QCS Announces Sponsorship at Upcoming PACE Orlando Convention

Quality Contact Solutions (QCS) is proud to sponsor the upcoming PACE Convention in Orlando, FL April 3-5, 2016. PACE is an acronym for Professional Association for Customer Engagement. QCS has been an active member for nearly 10 years. QCS owners, Dean & Angela Garfinkel, have been active PACE supporters for 15+ years. Dean currently serves […]

Top 5 Metrics for Inbound Telemarketing Services

So there I was coffee in hand ready to take on the day like every other day that week. As I walk into the office I am immediately struck (like a brick to the face) with the sounds of chaos and I suddenly realize, this is not going to be your ordinary day. The phones […]

Angela Garfinkel Earns PACE CECP Compliance Certification

stamping paperwork

September 16, 2015 (Aurora, NE)

Quality Contact Solutions, Inc. announced today that Angela Garfinkel, President of Quality Contact Solutions, has earned the Customer Engagement Compliance Professional (CECP) certification through the Professional Association for Customer Engagement (PACE).

B2B Telemarketing Sales Teams Succeed with Goal Setting and Communication

At QCS, our B2B Telemarketing Sales teams have been laser focused on setting goals and communicating those goals throughout the organization.  Goal setting and effective communication breed success.  In fact, one of the main differences between a successful company and an unsuccessful company is the ability to communicate effectively throughout its own organization.  At QCS, […]

B2B Telemarketing Breaks the Phone Sales Stigma

We all have experienced that stigma at one point or another about telephone sales…you know what I’m talking about…the cheesy voice with the script, the person that doesn’t listen to you, the call that you listen to with no intent to purchase the product that is being presented to you for fear of being rude. […]