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You Should Choose QCS As Your Outsourced Telemarketing Vendor

QCS = Value. Quality. Urgency. Service. Achieving Goals. Being positive. Conducting worthwhile work. Easy to work with.
team meeting

By Heather Dubas, Operations Manager for Quality Contact Solutions

Value. Quality. Urgency. Service. Achieving Goals. Being positive. Conducting worthwhile work. Easy to work with.

The words listed above are the qualities and behaviors that are desired in a partner company. These words also describe Quality Contact Solutions. They are the precise reason why many companies select QCS to be their outsourced telemarketing vendor.

Quality Contact Solutions’ core business is B2B Telemarketing, Lead Generation, and Appointment Setting. We have significant client references and testimonials from some of the largest brands in the US, for both for-profit and non-profit organizations.

The Core of Choosing QCS is Value and Quality

At Quality Contact Solutions, we provide quality as well as value for your company. We have many years of telemarketing services industry experience from top to bottom within QCS. From the owners to operations managers to IT, there is a knowledge base that is unprecedented. Most of the team started on the main floor of a call center and have worked our way up through every aspect of call center operations. This gives us the ability to evaluate a company’s needs from every angle to make sure that we are covering all aspects of what is needed to make your needs a success.

Providing a Great Service While being Urgent and Achieving your Goals

We are urgent in determining what your companies needs are and providing a specific service to increase your bottom line. In fact, we like to refer to it as intelligent urgency. Whether you need leads generated, to schedule an appointment, renewals of products or services or letting your customers know about upcoming events or promotions, we have you covered.

  • Our operations managers and IT team will work with you to determine scripting, reporting and data return. We have call center teams across the region and will pick the best team to fit your needs based on skill as well as certain dialects if needed.
  • There is an extensive quality assurance process in place to continue to monitor agent’s calls and data entry to ensure accuracy while achieving your goals. We also provide training on an ongoing basis to ensure that we are always current with your company’s policies and offers.
  • We are able to get your program up and running very quickly and seamlessly. On top of being able to move quickly with set up and implementation, we are able to meet or exceed your goals as well and continue to maintain them. We work hard to overcome any challenges and keep things positive to enhance every opportunity within your program.

We are Partners because of Worthwhile Work

In the end, although all the above mentioned qualities are so important to your bottom line, we believe that the most important attributes of Quality Contact Solutions are being positive, conducting worthwhile work and being easy to work with. If you ask any of our employees, Quality Contact Solutions is a positive place to work. Many of the individuals on our team worked together at other outsourced telemarketing call centers, only to find ourselves back together again in telemarketing services at QCS.

  • We are dedicated to only taking on worthwhile work. This means that we are proud to tell others what we do and who we work with. We are not the typical outsourced telemarketing company that makes cold calls all day long.
  • We conduct work with well-known companies that provide a product or service that is legitimate and worthy. Because we choose to have a positive working environment and conduct worthwhile work that we are proud of, that makes our team very easy to work with.
  • We get to know your team by meeting in person and having calls often to discuss your program front to back. We also like to have your team visit our call centers to get to know the people that live and breathe your program day in and day out.

If what you have read above is what you desire in a company to help you achieve your goals, give us a call at 1-866-963-2889 or email me at heather.dubas@qualitycontact We would love to work with your team!

Heather Dubas is an Operations Manager for Quality Contact Solutions. As an Operations Manager, Heather is responsible for managing client programs and ensuring program success. Heather has a B.S. in Business Administration and prior to joining the Quality Contact Solutions team, she spent time working in Account Management at a highly respected call center in the Midwest. Having over 5 years of B2B telemarketing sales experience, Heather is there to assist in achieving your desired results.


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