B2B Telemarketing
B2B Telemarketing is a cost effective way to increase sales, qualify sales leads, generate sales leads and set appointments. It costs upwards of $1,000 to put a salesperson in front of a qualified prospect when using face to face sales in the B2B market. With B2B telemarketing, the cost per contact ranges from $5.00 to $60.00, depending on the market you’re in and the title of the decision-maker.
For example, if you need to reach an office manager, they are typically easy to reach via phone. You might contact 6 office managers an hour and with a typical cost of $30.00 per hour, then the cost per contact equals $5.00. If you need to reach a VP of Marketing, they are typically much more difficult to reach via phone, particularly if the organization is very large. In this scenario, you might struggle to get 1 decision-maker contact for every 2 hours of telemarketing. In that instance, your cost per contact will be about $60.00. $60.00 is still far below the $1,000 cost of a field sales appointment.

B2B Telemarketing is flexible. Companies can increase their call volume and decrease their call volume very quickly. We advise starting a new B2B telemarketing program with about 10 full-time B2B telemarketing reps. Once the program is achieving the desired goals (typically within 2 weeks), then determine a management ramp-plan and take advantage of this medium’s ease of scalability, particularly if you’re using a third party outsourced telemarketing organization. Third parties are highly motivated to help you grow the program into a large, sustainable, profitable initiative.
In addition, B2B telemarketing can easily allow you to test new offers, new call guides (scripts) and even new target lists. Once you’ve developed a winning program via the phone, don’t be afraid to vary your approach, using the core team as the benchmark for performance. In one example, our firm had a B2B publishing client that changed their offer from Buy 2, get 1 Free to “Spend $200, get $100 in free product”. It was essentially the same offer and gave our client the same ROI, but the second offer produced a 1% increase in sales conversion rate. That may seem like a small number, but it was literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional sales from the B2B telemarketing channel in a 12 month period.
When using outsourced B2B telemarketing resources, the client enjoys an expense that is variable, rather than fixed. Just like you most likely wouldn’t open a commercial print facility in your office for your direct mail, you shouldn’t make the mistake of building an inhouse B2B telemarketing team which comes with a fixed overhead expense. Contact us today to learn how Quality Contact Solutions can create a high performing B2B telemarketing team that is cost-effective, flexible and best of all, a variable expense for your organization.
Not sure if you’re getting the best results from your telemarketing vendor? Give our sales team a call today: 866-963-2889 to learn how your organization can benefit from a team of dedicated telemarketing professionals.