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Successful training in membership renewals telemarketing

First and foremost, front line call center agents like to put a face with the name of the client

By Heather Dubas, Senior Operations Manager

membership renewals telemarketing training tipsI have been a part of the telemarketing world for many years and work with a wide array of different clients, but I always get excited when I find out that Quality Contact Solutions landed a new client that needs help with membership retention outbound telemarketing calls. Associations provide many valuable benefits as part of their value proposition to their members. From certification programs to meetings and conventions, to networking, associations are ideally positioned to meet the unique needs of their specific members.

Because of this, members don’t like to see their memberships lapse or if they do, they really appreciate the reminder to get it renewed. This provides a very pleasant experience for our front-line telemarketing agents because the people that they will be talking to welcome these calls! Agents line up for spots on association membership renewal campaigns and the training that we give them is critical to ensure success for everyone involved. Here are some key tips for getting a membership renewal campaign off to a great start:

Association Involvement in the Membership Renewals Telemarketing Training

First and foremost, front line call center agents like to put a face with the name of the client. Who are they making these calls for and why is the membership important to the person that we will be calling? Having the clients be present, providing their knowledge and encouragement, can make a world of difference in how our front-line team performs.

Membership Renewals Telemarketing Training Starts with a Reminder to Smile

We have all heard the phrase “smile and dial”. I don’t know how many times I say this during trainings and monitoring sessions. You can “hear” a smile! Starting the call off with a pleasant tone will help the agent connect faster with the member. Have the agents’ role play before shift to make sure that you can “hear” the smile. If an agent is happy and energetic, it will also help their tone and pace. Many members that we call are busy professionals. They are thankful for our call, but they need to get the renewal done quickly without feeling like they were slighted in customer service.

Training the Team to Be Clear and Concise

This one goes back to the initial training and making sure that the front-line agent has all the tools needed. The script (also known as a call guide) should be clear and concise. This includes immediately stating right away who the agent is calling on behalf of, what type of membership is up for renewal and the price to renew. The agent should also have access to Member’s ID and expiration dates so that they can speak to the member intelligently. The agent needs to also be well versed in the processes, especially if payment is being taken. Having the knowledge to walk the member though each piece of the renewal is key.

Arm the Team With Answers to Common Questions for Successful Membership Renewals

A telemarketing agent is not going to be an expert on each association right away, but you need to provide them with FAQs and common Q&A’s, so they can feel comfortable contacting the member. No one wants to feel like they are ill-equipped for placing a call. They need to know the basic information and they also need the proper contact information for times that they cannot answer a question or if a member has a concern.

Remind the Team about the Important of Using Good Listening Skills

Preparing the agent to listen carefully to the member is very important. A lot of times, members will offer pertinent information that the association would like to have notated. It may be why they have not renewed or why they love the membership so much. Feedback and transparency helps ensure a fantastic long-term relationship and is the key for future success.

At Quality Contact Solutions, we are here to help with your membership renewal needs through telemarketing. If you are looking for a team of telemarketing agents with proven renewal results, you can reach us at 1-866-963-2889 or email me at

Heather Dubas is a Senior Operations Manager for Quality Contact Solutions. As an Operations Manager, Heather is responsible for managing client programs and ensuring program success. Heather has a B.S. in Business Administration and prior to joining the Quality Contact Solutions team, she spent time working in Account Management at a highly respected call center in the Midwest. Having over 5 years of B2B telemarketing sales experience, Heather is there to assist in achieving your desired results.


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