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Quality is Most Important in Membership Remarketing

Not many people can make phone calls for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and stay happy and content.

By Heather Dubas, Senior Operations Manager

Not just anyone can be a telemarketing agent. It is a tough job that gets a bad rap (most frequently from my 93-year-old grandmother!). Not many people can make phone calls for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and stay happy and content. That is why at Quality Contact Solutions we only take on “worthwhile” work. One of those “worthwhile” work types is membership renewal call services for associations. I will be the first to tell you that not only are association clients great to work with, so are their members! That is why quality must be the main priority for membership renewal telemarketing calls.

Time is Precious, and Memberships are Important

Most of the members that we are reaching out to are busy professionals that do not have much time on their hands, much less to worry about renewing their memberships. But these memberships are an important tool for them. They provide networking opportunities with individuals in the same field of work, a large pool to ask questions and bounce ideas off, a plethora of up to date information to refer to as well as certifications crucial to their profession. Most individuals welcome these “reminder” calls to renew or let them know that they have lapsed. They simply just have not had the time to follow up and it is appreciated that they can take care of the membership renewal with a secure payment system and receive a receipt within minutes.

Membership renewal call services is one of the most sought-after seats by an agent in a call center. These calls require a seasoned agent that can retain a good amount of information. They also need to possess a pleasant tone and good pace, superior listening skills and be willing to be helpful and pass along pertinent information when needed to the client. This is where the upmost importance in quality comes in and is a must for membership renewal calls.

Training and Client Involvement Ensures a Quality Start for a Membership Remarketing Program

To get the best of the best from the agents, you must provide them with the tools that they need to be successful. Client involvement in training and providing the most up to date materials and information regarding the association is key. Making sure the agents understand how your members work, what is important to them and the type of profession they will be dealing with most often can assist in making sure we are choosing the best agent match for your membership renewal campaign. Also, ensuring member information is confirmed/updated as well as read back for accuracy guarantees you can always reach your member. An agent that can make that immediate connection with your member, let them know that we can take care of the renewal quickly and securely and get them on their way creates a great customer service experience that will make them happy to receive our calls year after year.

Creating Quality Expectations Improves Membership Remarketing Programs

The agents will need goals and a checklist of requirements to follow for each call. This will set the baseline for success which will make them strive for quality to achieve those goals. Keeping them informed in real time of their achievements as well as having frequent meetings with them to share their quality scores will increase performance and overall customer satisfaction, in turn, increasing renewals. Creating an expectation with members that they will be contacted by professional agents that provide ease in renewing or answering questions allows for telemarketing to be used in other areas of membership marketing.

We are here to assist you with your membership renewal call services, with a team of quality agents that are eager to make your members come back year after year. Get in touch with Quality Contact Solutions right now to make sure you achieve your 2018 goals. We can be reached at 1-866-963-2889 or email me directly at You will be glad you did!

Heather Dubas is a Senior Operations Manager for Quality Contact Solutions. As an Operations Manager, Heather is responsible for managing client programs and ensuring program success. Heather has a B.S. in Business Administration and prior to joining the Quality Contact Solutions team, she spent time working in Account Management at a highly respected call center in the Midwest. Having over 5 years of B2B telemarketing sales experience, Heather is there to assist in achieving your desired results.


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