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B2B Healthcare Telemarketing Services Best Practices

How to verify your Telemarketing partner is experienced with outsourcing sales calls in the healthcare vertical.

B2B-Telemarketing-Services-HealthcareConducting B2B telemarketing services in the Healthcare industry is challenging.  The primary reason is that in this niche industry, communicating with the primary decision-maker can be a multiple phone call process.  In addition, the gatekeepers and staff within a healthcare provider’s office do not have patience to spend time on the phone with callers that they label as telemarketers.  For these reasons, it is critical that you follow 3 basic principles when calling healthcare providers.

In addition, if you decide to use a third-party organization to place the calls for you, it is critical to ensure that your selected partner is experienced with outsourcing sales calls in the healthcare vertical.

Fact:  Gatekeepers reign supreme in the healthcare provider’s office.

Our Best Practice:  B2B telemarketing services professionals work with the gatekeeper, not against them.

Although receptionists and other gatekeepers can be an obstacle to overcome with most B2B Telemarketing Services programs, the healthcare market is particularly challenging from that perspective. It’s not as simple as asking for a decision maker. In a lot of instances the decision maker is a Doctor, or nurse, or supporting care staff whose time is best spent helping patients. With that said, gatekeepers in the Medical Industry are experts at screening out unnecessary sales calls. Experience has shown that less is more with the Gatekeeper, and when conducting sales calls it is paramount.  Differentiating yourself from other B2B Telemarketing services will inevitably be the difference between success and lack luster results.

Fact:  In the healthcare industry vertical, there are many specialties with different needs.

Our Best Practice:   B2B telemarketing services professionals use a discovery approach.

While in most markets it’s safe to make some basic assumptions of what your outsourcing sales calls offer will be, the healthcare market is unique in the fact that that each customer you reach will have their own specific challenges and struggles. The trick here is not to be an expert in the individual organizations themselves, but rather an expert in what you have to help them. Get your customer or prospect engaged in the conversation through meaningful open-ended discovery questions. Mind you, there’s nothing worse than getting “interrogated” with question after question with no objective in sight. However, asking the right questions to get your customer engaged in your conversation can mean the difference between a “pocket pitch” that you throw out in hopes that something will stick, and a solid offer of a solution to help overcome your customers challenges.

Fact:  The healthcare industry is in a constant state of change.

Our Best Practice:  B2B telemarketing service professionals evaluate offers, call guides and market opportunities constantly.

Be Flexible and ready to adapt!  The Healthcare Market is an industry of never ending change. From legislation, to advances in medical technologies, to changes in rules/regulations and guidelines, the only thing that remains consistent is the fact that change is inevitable. What’s working today, may not work as effectively tomorrow so it’s crucial to keep a firm pulse on your call flow and offer and be ready and able to make quick adjustments and act with intelligent urgency. While such frequent changes are a challenge when conducting B2B Telemarketing Services in the Medical field, this creates opportunity to bring new solutions and products to the table, and timely adaptation is the lifeline to long-term success.

At the end of the day, knowing your market is a fundamental unspoken necessity in any B2B Telemarketing services program.  Most professionals in the medical field dedicate their lives to helping others. Differentiate yourself from all the other telemarketing sales calls they receive and return the favor.

Ryan Apodac
is an Operations Manager and Trainer for Quality Contact Solutions, a leading outsourced telemarketing organization.  With a background of more than a decade in sales, Ryan is passionate about developing and delivering training that ultimately results in improved performance for client programs.  Ryan can be reached at or 516-656-5127.


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