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Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s What We’re Grateful for in 2022

This is what our team is giving thanks for this year.

Thanksgiving is a perfect time to reflect on what we’re grateful for and to show appreciation. We wanted to know what our QCS team was thankful for; here’s what they said:

“Family, friends, health, and my brothers and sisters in faith” – A.J. Windle, Dir. Of Client Engagement

“I am thankful for my faith and my family. Work related, I’m thankful for the great group of QCS people I have had the privilege of working with.” Darla Jorgenson, Accounting Manager

“I’m thankful for having a large and happy family to share my blessings with.” – Kent Wheeles

“I am thankful for the team I get to work with every day and my family.” – Anthony Guariglia, Client Solutions Manager

“I’m grateful for my 7 grandchildren.” – Melissa Hinrichs

“I am thankful for my health, even though I will be adding a few pounds on Thanksgiving.” – Christine Duvall, Client Solutions Manager

“I am thankful for family, friends, and good health for myself and my husband, Steve. I take joy in working with a great team and for the opportunity to strive to be the best I can. I am also thankful I can wake up everyday and make it a new one!” – Marie Korn

“I’m grateful to work with kind, hardworking people and to spend time with family this Thanksgiving.” – Ashley Thusius, Marketing Coordinator

“I am thankful for: The gift of TIME (for daily pause & gratitude); Supportive family, friends, and colleagues; Autonomy, Freedom & Independence; The ability to stand strong in my convictions; The ability to help others; TRAVEL – and all the comforts of HOME; Chai & Matcha!! And all the other good stuff life has to offer!” – Julie Kramme, Vice President Sales

“I am grateful for family and friends and especially for my wife and kids. They bring me more joy than I could ever explain.” – Rich Hamilton, Director of Compliance

“Besides the normal stuff like my parents, my health, my relationship with the Lord, I am so happy and grateful this year in April to have leveled up in apartments (LOTS of new amenities that changed my every day life significantly!). I am also thankful to have been laid off along with the rest of the sales floor in June from my previous employer so that I could find new and MUCH better employment with Quality Contact Solutions in August.” – Esther Gausepohl, Regional Account Executive

“I’m thankful for my children, family, and friends. I’m grateful for laughter, my health, new experiences, and Starbucks Iced Chai Lattes with Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam.” – Megan Hottman, Marketing Strategist


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