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B2B Telemarketing Breaks the Phone Sales Stigma

We all have experienced that stigma at one point or another about telephone sales…you know what I’m talking about…the cheesy voice with the script, the person that doesn’t listen to you, the call that you listen to with no intent to purchase the product that is being presented to you for fear of being rude. […]

Best Practices for Implementing New Programs with an Outsourced Call Center

Rich Hamilton, Director of Implementation and Team Improvement Lead at Quality Contact Solutions is featured in the September 2013 Connections Magazine.  Read his article about best practices that should be used when implementation a new program with an outsourced call center. Article Intro Here are a few questions that you should ask yourself before you get […]

The Cookie-Cutter Stigma

Nathan Teahon, Director of Operations, defends the Cookie-Cutter approach  Have you ever noticed that there isn’t a lot of love out there for the good ol’ “cookie-cutter” approach? If you aren’t familiar with that consensus, try Googling it. Trust me; many make it seem like the scarlet letter of business practices, like having a standardized […]

Outsourcing to an Outsourcer

Nathan Teahon, QCS Director of Operations Espouses Benefits of Using a Telemanagement Company to Manage Inbound and Outbound Telemarketing Programs Working in telemanagement for me has been a very gratifying experience. I also believe that it has been a very gratifying experience both for our clients and the call center partners that we work with. […]

Top Ten Tweaks for Peak Success

Angela Morris, QCS President, writes The Essential Outbound Call Center Checklist:  Top Ten Tweaks for Peak Success June 2009 If you’re like most call center managers, your daily routine is relatively consistent. Most likely, you haven’t recently taken the time to evaluate what is working and what needs to be changed. Typical call center organizations […]