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Outsourcing to an Outsourcer

Nathan Teahon, QCS Director of Operations Espouses Benefits of Using a Telemanagement Company to Manage Inbound and Outbound Telemarketing Programs

Working in telemanagement for me has been a very gratifying experience. I also believe that it has been a very gratifying experience both for our clients and the call center partners that we work with. But outside of that circle that has very close links to our telemanagement process I still get the sense that many feel it’s an abstract concept. Some of the initial questions that pop up include if we have a physical call center, are we brokers, is our service quality monitoring, and more. Those questions, however, are all very easy to answer within just a few minutes.

The one question that does sometimes pop up that is nails on the telemanagement chalkboard is, “Why would I want to outsource to an outsourcer.” Now, is this a totally unreasonable question? No, of course not. If you have never lived with the telemanagement process then you don’t know what you don’t know and it ends up being a good opportunity to educate others on the process. Nonetheless, the question still makes me want to bang my head against my desk at times. If the process was just “outsourcing to an outsourcer”, then it would not be telemanagement at all, it would be nothing more than brokering. Finding an appropriate call center to handle the calls for our clients is merely the first step in the value that the telemanagement process provides.

The value that the telemanagement process provides our clients is that they don’t have to worry about managing the call center directly. If a company has a product or service that they are selling for example, they are most likely experts regarding their product or service and the corresponding industry. They are 95% of the time probably not experts regarding the call center industry, so why does it make sense for them to manage a call center? Our goal for our clients is to allow them to focus on the things they are experts at. Let it be our job to work hand in hand with the call center to insure things go smoothly. One client for QCS said, “The reason that I prefer the telemanagement model that QCS operates on is because it puts an expert in the industry right in the middle of my business. I have the comfort level knowing that my business is in highly capable hands and is being taken care of and watched over very well. This allows me to focus on other issues that impact my industry and my specific customer base. I rely on QCS to be the eyes and ears for me while I tackle other challenges that are equally as important to managing the business.”

It’s certainly a win for our clients, but what about our call center partners? It’s a win for them as well. Instead of having a client that is not familiar with the call center industry all of their contact is with us and part of our job is to make the lives of our call center partners easier. Once one of our partners has completed a program with us, it’s very simple for them to set up following programs after that. We help them in every phase of project setup, including training development and execution. Once a program is up and going, we stay involved on a daily basis with data and reporting, quality assurance, and overall project management. Mike Needham with Premiere Business Solutions has been working with QCS for over a year and said, “Working with QCS and their model has been a pleasure. They are very devoted to making things easier for us and helping to put us in a situation where we can be successful for them and their clients. It’s been a great partnership.”

Telemanagement is much more than just “outsourcing to an outsourcer.” At least good telemanagement is. This was a high-level look at the value telemanagement can provide, both for our clients and our call center partners. If you want more information regarding the specifics of our telemanagement processes, please don’t hesitate to contact us. I promise I won’t bang my head on any desks.


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