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Telemarketing Services for Associations is Worthwhile Work

One of the core values at Quality Contact Solutions is making sure that we are conducting worthwhile work.
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By A.J. Windle, Sr. Operations Manager

One of the core values at Quality Contact Solutions is making sure that we are conducting worthwhile work. What we mean by that is work that each of our team members can be proud to tell their family and friends about. It’s work that negates the stigma of typical telemarketing services and bridges the gap between outbound pitch/close and relationship marketing.

I’ve had the pleasure of working on many different types of outsourced telemarketing programs during my career and by far one of my ultimate favorites are the telemarketing programs we conduct for associations. Using the telemarketing services channel is an excellent fit for associations for many reasons. And by far, I think that when our team members conduct work on behalf of their association clients, they feel wholeheartedly that it is worthwhile work. Here are a few reasons why.

Breaking the Stigma

Like many of you, my career started out making sales calls on the phone in a telemarketing phone room. The gig was pretty straight forward. Make as many calls as you can, give as many rebuttals as you can, and sell sell sell. Hello Telemarketing Stigma. Fortunately times have changed; however, the stigma is not lost. My point here is that when asked what you do, saying “I’m a telemarketer” could get you a barrage of unfriendly comments. People want to be proud of what they do. They want to speak it loudly and have people appreciate their contributions. Conducting telemarketing on behalf of associations is breaking down this stigma. The types of outsourced telemarketing calls made on behalf of an Association are consultative. These consultative calls re-invent what it means to be a telemarketer and they blur the lines between pitch/close atmospheres and relationship marketing. Because of this reason, people I work with love being a part of these outsourced telemarketing programs and are always happy to explain exactly what they do. This pride and freedom is breeding a new age of call center team members that love what they do and they’re proud of it.

Lower Attrition

Pride, challenging, fulfilling are all words that I would use to describe Association Telemarketing. When you mix these three things together in telemarketing services you create an amazing cocktail that makes people want to keep coming back for more. A challenge you will always find in a pitch close environment is keeping people fulfilled, engaged and feeling like they are a part of something bigger than themselves. Because of this you may find them moving on to other opportunities that create a self fulfilling environment. The beauty of association telemarketing in an outsourced telemarketing environment is that these are not your normal types of calls. They require a different skill set. They require a multiple call approach. They demand constant engagement and I have noticed over the years that my most tenured agents are operating in an Association Outsourced telemarketing campaign. Everyday they feel challenged and everyday they feel accomplished. When you give people worth while work that meets the human desires for accomplishment you are sure to keep your strongest members even longer.

The 360 Skill Development

Enough about my thoughts. This next favorite comes directly from our front-line telemarketing staff working on these programs every day. When asked why they feel Association Outsourced Telemarketing is worthwhile work, one of the top reasons I received is the personal growth they get from a program that creates a 360 degree customer focused experience. What do I mean by that? It means that these teams take telemarketing services to the next level. They are not just calling customers; they are building relationships. They are introducing them to new products, explaining the benefits of the Association, addressing questions, placing orders, following up on sales, working customer service, holding conference meetings and even client facing. In essence they are the association. It’s not often that I see an outsourced telemarketing program where you will interact and follow through on every engagement with the customer from start to finish. As one front line telemarketing team member noted,

“It allows me to develop new skills that I otherwise would never have the chance to develop. That makes me feel accomplished.”

Worthwhile work is a key value at QCS and one of the reasons we’ve been successful at building a great organization. If you are an association and looking for help hitting your goals give us a call at 1-866-963-2889. Or email me at We would love to help!!

A.J. Windle is Sr. Operations Manager for Quality Contact Solutions, a leading outsourced telemarketing organization. With responsibility for overseeing the daily operations of client programs, A.J. is relentless in his pursuit for ensuring every client program is reaching the desired goals – every day. With over 14 years of experience in Telemarketing, A.J. has built his career on creating win-win relationships between his team, his clients and his telemarketing vendors that drives unparalleled success. A.J can be reached at or 516-656-5106.


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