Engage Remote Workers with these 16 Fun Team Building Activities
Team building helps workplaces thrive and is more important than ever with so many employees working remotely.
Team building helps workplaces thrive and is more important than ever with so many employees working remotely.
Do you use these 12 metrics to know if you’re on track to achieve your sales goals?
Cultivate team happiness through creating a culture of ‘problem solving’.
At Quality Contact Solutions we have seven core values that guide how we behave. One of the most important of those core values is Conducting Worthwhile Work.
Clients love to hear the same voices, week after week, on their campaigns knowing that they get better with each day of calling.
Making sure your employees are engaged is important but something we all struggle with.
Most telemarketing programs average 1 sale every 4 to 5 hours. Some really great programs get 1 sale every 2-3 hours.
Making calls for eight hours a day, speaking to hundreds of potential customers each week, can seem daunting.
Military Spouse Appreciation Day was first observed on May 23, 1984.
According to recently published studies from the Gallup Organization, only 3 out of 10 employees are engaged in their work.
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