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B2B Telemarketing Course from the DMA

If you are looking for a quick way to brush up on your outbound telemarketing knowledge, look no further.  Quality Contact Solutions’ pros Nathan Teahon and Angela Garfinkel recently collaborated with the education team at the Direct Marketing Association to create a new course titled:  “Teleservices”.  We know, pretty original, right?  In a nutshell the course is a crash-course (or refresher) for any professional that wants to better understand the critical elements of creating, managing or outsourcing a telemarketing program.

  • Do you conduct outsourced telemarketing?
  • Do you conduct inhouse telemarketing?
  • Do you call it a call center?

If yes, then this course may be worthwhile for you.

The course presents critical do’s, don’ts and How-To’s of telesales in a way that is clear, concise and simple to understand and follow.  In this course, Nathan and Angela discuss:

  • people
  • management
  • call technology
  • new contact center tools
  • regulatory compliance

In addition, they discuss script writing to capture the prospect’s interest and how to respond effectively to any concerns that might impede the sale.

As the authors, we can give you access to our course at no-charge.  We have a handful of complementary passes.  Just let us know if you want one!

Want to learn more?



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