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Why Your Customers Want an Omnichannel Experience

Omnichannel experience

We all know that providing an excellent customer experience is vital for business success. Customers expect interactions with your company to be fluid and singular, referred to as an omnichannel experience. 


HubSpot defines omnichannel as a lead nurturing and user engagement approach in which a company gives access to its products, offers, and support services to customers or prospects on all channels, platforms, and devices. 


Omnichannel starts with being present everywhere your customers are so that they have no trouble interacting with you through a convenient means. 


Why is an Omnichannel Experience Important to Your Customers?


The point of an omnichannel strategy is to provide customers with seamless interactions across all channels, which will make them feel like there’s no disconnection when interacting with your brand—no matter where or how they reach out.


I remember this past summer when I was buying a ticket from an airline. My preference is to purchase tickets online, which I usually do. However, for some unknown reason to this day, their “system” would not allow me to apply a previous unused credit towards the cost of the new ticket. I’ve used credits on my own before without incident.


I immediately clicked around to find their online chat function, only to discover that it was out of commission, along with their email option. Frustrating.


As a result, I had to call the said airline. After holding for 3 hours and 52 minutes (yes, that’s right, HOLDING because their call back function was inoperable at this time), an agent finally answered my call. 


No one has that kind of time to spend waiting on hold. The ability to engage with the airline in the way I preferred and expected to wasn’t available. 


We’ve all been there. We’ve all had the same experience. Think of your customers’ experience with your brand. 


Omnichannel Experience Provides Choices & Drives Loyalty


Customers should be able to engage with a business through their preferred channel and when they want. Providing options like text, in-app chat, email, phone, live chat, or social media enables customers to access whatever they want or need whenever they want or need it. Let customers choose how they’d prefer to engage. Give them options. 


A fluid experience gives customers a deeper connection with the brandboosting customer loyalty. But, of course, everyone knows that keeping existing customers is always easier and less expensive than attracting new customers!


Increases Customer Satisfaction & Builds Relationships


An omnichannel experience targets making consumers’ lives easier from start to finish, ironing out any friction they may face while engaging with a brand.


Providing a quality experience is vital and can make or break customer relationships. All it takes is one terrible experience or a few small repeat bad interactions for a customer to stop using your services or buying your products. 


Omnichannel communication strategies ensure a consistent experience that helps customers understand what to expect with your brand. As a result, customer satisfaction increases as they come to know the quality of service your brand delivers.


It’s Convenient


Consumers want convenience, and many companies have found ways to meet their wants by providing an omnichannel experience.


We can order coffee on an app and pick it up in person, skipping any potential lines. 


Consumers can do the same with groceries, clothes, and more. These examples illustrate the convenience an omnichannel experience provides today.


An omnichannel experience can be the secret sauce to earning your customer’s loyalty, whether a start-up or a market leader. 


Give Your Customers an Omnichannel Experience


A fluid omnichannel experience is critical to satisfying customers, driving loyalty, and building long-term relationships. Customers want their experience to be seamless, convenient, and personalized, and they’re willing to go out of their way to find it.


Connect with our team to learn how our omnichannel capabilities can help your business.


Megan Hottman is the Copywriter & Editor for Quality Contact Solutions. Megan’s experience includes working as an outbound telemarketing manager for a Fortune 100 company for many years. Megan has been both a client and an employee of QCS, so she knows first-hand the quality, productivity and passion the team brings to work on a daily basis.   You can reach Megan at or 516-656-5120.  


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