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Thank you for your interest in Quality Contact Solutions!   As a high quality outbound telemarketing and inbound call center services provider based 100% in the United States, we work hard to provide each client organization with the best price without compromising the quality of the call.  And ultimately the quality of the conversation is what will drive your results – driving real value in the long-term.

Depending on if your program will require staffing for inbound calls or outbound calls, the pricing model and methodology will be a little bit different.

Outbound Telemarketing

Most outbound telemarketing programs are priced between $30 and $40 per hour, plus up-front setup fee and training fees.  If your program will require more a staff of more than 5 full-time employees and the call is simple, we may be able to discount the pricing even lower.  A telemarketing hour is based on one person dialing on your program for one hour, but behind the scenes that hour also includes our management team supporting the program including an Operations Manager that will be your single point of contact, our I.T. resources that setup your program on our dialing platform, develop reports that provide insight for decision-making, supervision of your front-line telemarketing team including coaching and development, and an experienced senior leadership team that is constantly evaluating each client program to make sure you’re getting maximum results and value from your telemarketing budget.  So to make it easy, if you have 5 people dialing on your outbound program, 5 x 40 hours per week = 200 hours per week.  200 x $30 per hour = $6,000 per week for a professionally managed outbound telemarketing campaign.

Some clients ask if we will do per sale, per appointment or commission based programs.  The answer is YES, however, we will need to work closely with your company to identify the expected revenue for the program to ensure that the dollars work for both of our organizations.  In many instances if your per sale or commission-based program hasn’t been tested with an outbound telemarketing company previously, we will ask for a 500 hour concept test.

If you’re not sure how to identify the size of team that you potentially need, don’t worry!  We do that for you.  Just fill in the “Price Quote” form below and we’ll do the rest!

Inbound Call Center Services

At Quality Contact Solutions, we have two different pricing models for inbound call center services.  For client programs with large volume, most programs are priced on a per hour basis.  For client programs with inconsistent or smaller volumes, most programs are priced on a per minute basis.

Dedicated Inbound Call Center Services

Pricing for dedicated inbound call center services will range from $25 to $35 per hour, (plus setup and training), depending on the skill set required of the frontline inbound call center agent and the number of call center agents that will be required for staffing.  In general, more inbound agents staffed equals a lower price on a per hour basis.  However, if your program requires 24×7 or has specific requirements like licensed insurance agents, the pricing will be on the higher end of the price range.

Shared Inbound Call Center Services

When an inbound call program has low volume or inconsistent volume, it is usually best to answer those incoming calls in a shared call center environment. What that means is that call center agents are cross-trained to handle 5 to 7 different clients’ calls throughout their workday.  At QCS, our systems determine which agents are trained to handle which client calls and their proficiency (skill) with those calls and routes each incoming call to the most skilled agent that is available at any given time.  We call it skills-based routing.  In addition to a setup fee and training, pricing for shared inbound minutes is typically $.70 to $1.25 per minute and minutes are calculated by adding the talk time plus the call wrap-up time.  At QCS we don’t invoice separately for our management staff and support staff.  The inbound call minute price includes our overhead for management and support staff.

It is easy to get a quick price quote specific to your project from our team of experts.  Just fill in the “Price Quote” form above and we’ll do the rest!