B2B Telemarketing Services Spotlight: Marcia Jenkins
Marcia manages our QCS At-Home team and is an absolute sales management machine.
Pro Tips for Using Non-Voice Contacts in a Telemarketing Company
Over the last 10 years telemarketing companies have started to include chat, text and email in their communication strategy.
3 Reasons to Use the Text Channel in the Call Center
Why to text-enable your company’s main business number, your customer service phone number, and your customer service and sales team’s DIDs.
Overcoming Challenges with Telemarketing Services in 2018
Here at Quality Contact Solutions we partner with clients everyday who are looking for ways to help them overcome their business challenges.
Achieve B2B Telemarketing Goals With An Experienced Team
By A.J. Windle, Director of Operations The most important part of building a home that you know will last forever is making sure that you have built that home on a strong foundation. The foundation is what holds your house up, it’s what makes your home steady and strong. Our foundation here at Quality Contact […]
Telemarketing Services and Non-ATDS Dialing Best Practice
QCS developed a compliant non-ATDS solution two years ago and we continue to use that same solution today.
5 Keys for Selecting a Telemarketing Services Vendor
Here are the five key categories to evaluate when hiring a call center partner.
5 Client Lessons Learned in Telemarketing Services
Have you ever held back an idea because you thought it was just so far out there that no one will ever go for it?
Rev Up Your Outbound Marketing Dialing Strategies
by A.J. Windle, Director of Operations Outbound Marketing is a performance driven channel and everyone is working to pull the right levers to maximize results. Think of it like a NASCAR race, just like there are hundreds of cars vying for the winning position there are hundreds of Outsourced Telemarketing firms looking to produce the […]
Maximize your Membership renewals with Outbound Marketing
Through my experiences I have identified 5 best practices to consider when setting up a new telemarketing services campaigns for membership renewals.